
For You, Mom

Thank you for my life
Success does not elude me
Happiness does abound
Joy dwells in my heart
Fear has no place, only faith
You are a trusted friend
Not even time will transcend
Sacrifices you have made
Memories will not fade
Your love I cannot compare.

Lord, Let Me...

Lord, let me see Your face;
Let me hear Your voice;
For Your face is lovely;
Your voice is sweet.

Lord, let me see Your face;
Let me feel its warmth and softness;

For your eyes are deep and wise
Like the oceans and galaxies of the universe.
Their passion is like the days of creation.

Lord, let me hear Your voice;
Let me experience its power and majesty;
For your voice is sweet, your lips soft.
Your words are thunderous and pierce as

Lightning, shining into the corners of my soul.
Your face blazes like the summer sun.
Your voice whispers eternal love to my spirit.

The Shofar

The Shofar blows; the time has come!

Some look around and are confused;
What is that?
Where is that coming from?
What is going on?
The Shofar blows; the time has come!
Some look up and are peaceful;
It's coming from above!
It's the call!
It's time to leave this place
The Shofar blows; the time has come!
Some look terrified and cry;
Some look elated and rejoice!
Some scream;
Some sing!

The Shofar blows; the time has come!
The Shofar blows; louder, louder, louder!
The Shofar blows; all hear!
The Shofar blows; all know!
The Shofar blows; not all go!