Friday, July 02, 2010


"Laura and I wish all Americans a happy Independence Day. We join in celebrating one of the great achievements in history, when 56 brave souls pledged their lives, liberty, and sacred honor to declare that America deserved to be free. More than two centuries later, it can be easy to take their act for granted. However, we must remember... that the men who signed the Declaration in Philadelphia took an extraordinary risk, and all who fought in the Revolution showed tremendous courage. Their example has inspired generations of Americans to defend our freedom, including those who serve on the frontlines in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere this 4th of July. As we celebrate this weekend, I hope all Americans will take a moment to honor those who have made our freedom possible, and to renew our commitment to building a democracy that lives up to the ideals they advanced and the sacrifices they made. May God bless America. - George W. Bush

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