Friday, September 18, 2009

Unconditional Love

As I was going about my daily chores, gathering the kibble to prepare the kids' dinner, from the corner of my eye I thought I saw my beloved Josh. I turned quickly only to realize it was the gold throw I have on the sofa. But it was too late, tears already rolling down my face, I was missing him all over again. It has been over a month, but it still hurts like it was hours ago. I remember writing a piece about pets a couple of years ago, and I thought of it today to help me cope and remember my Josh.

Unconditional love
No matter what I do
What I say, my doggies are here for me, they follow me
scampering happily
those loving eyes playfully gazing at me
Following my every move
Nothing else matters

Unconditional love
God loves me this way
No matter what I do
No matter what I say, He is here for me
His joy, His eyes following my every move
Nothing else matters

Unconditional love
my doggies love me forever
God loves me forever

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